Lauren FootComment


Lauren FootComment



I love my morning almond milk latte as much as the next person. I mean I try to fit one in every day either between breakfast and lunch or lunch and dinner. I like it because it helps keep me full until my next meal, not really because I need the caffeine fix.

I didn’t think I needed to write this post until I went into my local Starbucks only to find that everyone in the cafe was drinking from a disposable cup with a lid on it, even though they weren’t even walking around.

Don’t get me wrong, on the odd occasion, I forget my re-usable mug but I really like to try to always carry one with me.

Here are a few tips on how you can reduce waste without sacrificing your daily coffee fix:

invest in a re-usable mug

Find a re-usable mug that you really like the design of. That way you’ll be excited to use your mug rather than getting a paper one at your favorite cafe. I personally LOVE w&p porter mugs. I have a 12oz in pink and a 16oz in cream.

buy a few

I have about three re-usable coffee mugs. The two I mentioned above and one my beautiful sister-in-law and brother-in-law gifted me for Christmas (it’s a great gift idea btw).

I keep them in different places to ensure I always have one accessible. I keep one on my desk at work, one at home and one in my car.

forgot your cup, forget the lid

If you forgot your re-usable cup and you really want a coffee but and are planning to stay at the coffee shop, first see if they have mugs available for you to use (even Starbucks does), if they don’t forget using a lid. If you’re calmly sipping a coffee you should be okay forgoing a lid.

bring a mug from work

if you forgot your coffee mug and your favorite cafe is close to your work, grab a mug from the cupboard and bring it with you. Be careful not to spill but I see people doing this at the lululemon head office all the time!

the perks

most places will give you a discount on your order if you bring your own mug. So after enough coffee’s your mug will pay for itself.
